Laurel Park Cancelled 1/8/2022

Laurel Park has canceled LIVE racing this afternoon.

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Penn National LIVE Racing Cancelled 1/5/2022

Penn National has canceled LIVE racing this evening.

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Kaylasaurus claimed 11/30/2021

Kaylasaurus was claimed for $25,000 after an easy win at Penn National. Welcome to the barn! Horse Profile

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Where U B Scratched 11/25/2021

Where U B has been scratched today at Laurel Park.

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Jessica Scratched 11/10/2021

Jessica has been scratched tonight at Penn National.

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Marvella Nasty Claimed 11.5.2021

Marvella Nasty joins the BRS barn, in partnership with Liberty House Racing, after she was claimed today at Laurel Park…

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Where U B claimed at Laurel

Where U B was claimed for $8,000 after a 3rd place finish at Laurel Park. Welcome to the barn! Horse…

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Doc Elm Claimed 9/10/2021

Doc Elm was claimed for $10,000 at Laurel Park on September 10, 2021. Welcome to the barn! Horse Profile

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Wiretap Claimed

Wiretap was claimed from us for $5,000 after a WIN on September 9, 20201. Best of luck to her new…

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Introspection claimed 8/11/2021

Introspection was claimed for $8,000 on August 11, 2021. Welcome to the barn! Horse Profile

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